Friday, 26 November 2004

The Minnesota Senate Race of 2008

"To be very blunt, and God watch over Paul's soul, I am a 99 percent improvement over Paul Wellstone." -- Norm Coleman (Republican-Minnesota).

In 2002, arguably the most important Senate race was Paul Wellstone (Democrat-Minnesota) versus Norm Coleman. Coleman had been hand-picked by the Bush White House to defeat Wellstone. I deeply admire Paul Wellstone for his early opposition to the Iraq War, his defense of the poor and overall compassion for the little guy. For all these reasons, the Bush White House decided he really needed to go.

I like John Kerry quite a bit, but I think Paul Wellstone would've been a much better opponent against George W. Bush. But, you see, Paul Wellstone lost his Senate race, and, not only that, he was physically unable to run for President. You see, he died in a plane crash (which some claim was an assasination) during his race against Coleman. I was saddened muchly by this, and incensed by the above statement by Coleman.

Well, I was watching CNN just now and Al Franken was discussing a run against Coleman in 2008. I really want to see Coleman lose. I may just move to Minnesota to help run a grassroots campaign against Norman "99 percent improvement" Coleman. By the way, I will from here on out refer to Norm as "99 cents man".
Funny article by Al Franken on Norm Coleman's "99 percent" statement.

It's comments like that (by Coleman) and men like him (Wellstone) which define, for me, which party I belong to.

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